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Milwaukee Journal
Sentinal 05:03 a.m. June 29, 2003 Milwaukee Mind Reader Brings Big Fun To Brumder By Molly Snyder Edler
"Nothing that I do is supernatural," says Sikes. "I don't talk to dead people. I can't predict the stock market or the lottery. Everything I do is by the process of the mind and all people can do it." Sikes (yes, that is his real name and not a play on the word "psychic") claims mind reading is more of a skill than a special power and based on intuition and identifying non-verbal behaviors. Although Sikes fancies himself primarily as an entertainer who has dazzled audiences with his abilities to "read" minds, he is also a corporate speaker and seminar trainer. For more than 25 years, Sikes has traveled around the world teaching professionals, from CEOs to police officers to pig farmers, how to improve their communication skills. This summer, despite his busy travel schedule, Sikes will spend his weekends in Milwaukee performing "Theater of the Mind" at the Brumder Mansion, 3046 W. Wisconsin Ave., every Friday and Saturday night at 7:30 p.m. (Doors open at 7 p.m.) Every performance is different, but show highlights could include Sikes predicting how much change is in an audience member's pocket, describing what a person is thinking or actually leading the audience to move an object through concentration. Sikes has as $10,000 guarantee that none of the participants are planted in the audience. "My favorite part was when we shattered a light bulb by focusing our minds on a certain musical tone. It was absolutely incredible," says Jill Neyens, who recently attended a show. "I don't know how he does it. He reveals information that he simply could not possibly know about the audience." Sikes, who has been nicknamed "The Amazing Rex" by fans, is quick to point out that he would never embarasses anyone by exposing something personal, even though he can often pick up on such details. He also says his success rate is pretty good, but he definitely isn't infallible. "I'm not always right, but right enough to stay in business," he says. Even skeptics will find his approach digestible, primarily because of his belief that none of his abilities are supernatural, rather learned, and also because Sikes is a "regular," down-to-earth guy with a love of people and mind for business. (Aside from conducting performances, trainings and seminars, he has written numerous books and created a half-dozen motivational tapes.) Interestingly, this was not his first career. Sikes, a Los Angeles native, made 30 movies including the cult classic, "Massacre Central High," that still occasionally runs on HBO and Cinemax. He may return to film in the near future, but for now, is enjoying his work, his family and his life in Milwaukee. Although some of us may dread the thought of having a significant other able to read minds, Sikes says his abilities are well-received by his wife. In fact, she will often channel him a message, like "bring home bread," instead of calling him on his cell phone. Sikes says sometimes he receives the message and sometimes he doesn't. Sikes became fascinated with the power of the mind when he was eight years old and asked his mother to read him a book about ESP. He and his cousin started "practicing" with a deck of cards, first by simply making each other guess if the unturned card was black or red. Eventually, they became experts at "knowing" and moved on to predicting the suit, which upped the odds from a 1 in 2 chance to a 1 in 4 chance, and eventually graduated themselves to the value, and so on. Despite the somewhat controversial nature of his live shows, he has received very little negative feedback, except for a few e-mails. But Rex Sikes isn't fazed in the least. "Those who are skeptical should be. People should believe whatever they want to believe," says Sikes. "What I am there to do is entertain." Check out www.amazingrex.com for more information or call (414) 342-1703 to reserve seats for the show. © Copyright Rex Sikes 2000 -2007 all rights reserved in all media Talkback OnMilwaukee.com allows the sites users to make comments about the articles. The following has been taken regarding Rex's show. Lavonne Grenlie
Jason and Kate Renaud ALLAN KATZ Diane Gruenke Bart Baggett I spent two weeks in a "process of the mind seminar" with Rex back in 1996 and it was one of the most interesting and important "seminar" investments of my life. Now that Rex is doing entertainment first, and explaining the mind second, I think he will reach a very wide audience that keeps coming back night after night to understand the deep concepts he is teaching. It is rare a talented and gifted entertainer is also an enlightened educator. The combination provides some really powerful and "fulfilling" entertainment. See the show and hire Rex if you have the opportunity. BART
BAGGETT David Conrad Joe Vitale Dan Pollack I attended Rex's performance at the Brumder Mansion and it was truly a delightful experience. Everyone there left with a smile on their face and a sense of awe and wonderment. Even me. And I'm a professional magician. I've talked with people who have seen Rex perform, sometimes many months afterwards, and it's amazing how they can recount exactly what they witnessed in Rex's show, and how excited they get talking about it. If you're planning a special event, get Rex to perform for you. It will be a time everyone will enjoy and remember for a long, long time. Mike Miller Emily Wagener Kirk Strong, Owner, Strong Interactive Media Michael King Having been told of your article by a friend from Milwaukee, who had heard me speak of him frequently, I was anxious to read it. The article was very well written and contained great information about Mr. Sikes, much of which I was previously unaware of. Including his impressive acting career. However, I can say, after having seen this talented and gifted man perform, words cannot describe the excitement one experiences while "The Amazing Rex" wanders freely in and out of the audience's minds. Truly a wonder to behold. Thank you for sharing this information about a talented and mysterious entertainer that does just that....entertain. And then leaves you with a sense of wonderment that you carry with your for days, weeks and months afterward. Michael King Pat Mossey Christopher Brenner Kevin Truebenbach Jon Sadof Lyn Adams, Certified Mortgage Specialists Christine Lucas Anthony Rose Kristina Ustinova Bill Van David Lesault Tom Logan Doug Without too much convincing, I was able to create enough interest in the show that my brother and three of his older children (ages 14-18) wanted to attend. The show was located at an old mansion that is now being used as a bed and breakfast, as well as a small theatre for performances in the basement which is where Rex performed. Great location with amazingly decorated rooms in true vintage style. When we arrived we toured a bit and met Rex while mingling about the house. After a few minutes all the guests were gathered and seated in the theatre and the show started. Rex started off with a bit of explanation about what he does, NLP, Mind Reading, etc. And then started right into the performance. Several of his first few demonstrations were quite interesting and intriguing, including things like a guest picking a playing card from a deck, then asking the guest to visuallize the card clearly in their mind. At first Rex didn't lock on to the guest on stage, at the same time he had asked three more people in the audience think of cards and visuallize them also, then after a few limited success's with the guest on stage he turned to the three in the audience who were standing and said, when I say your card please sit down.... And with that he named three cards in rapid succession and all three sat down bewildered!!! Most people in the audience were on stage at one point or another, or involved in the demonstrations from their seats. Some of these involved visuallization of playing cards, and others included such things as my nephew opening up a dictionary, picking a word at random, visuallizing it and the Rex writing it on a chalkboard. The word my nephew was visuallizing was "propitiation".... obviously not a terribly common word. When Rex turned his chalk board around he had written "Propitiate". Not exact but damn good!!! Rex continued to baffle and amaze us with several forms of Mind Reading that continued to get more advanced and perplexing including, while completely blindfolded, Rex described in exacting detail, three very unique items received from the audience which were very unique and that I would have had a hard time describing if I was looking directly at them. He also demonstrated Telekinesis by having another of my nieces on stage concentrating on one of three pencils which were all partially hanging off of a table several feet away (Rex was about 15 feet away), and within a few moments the pencil she was looking at fell to the floor!!! All in all, it was a great show, highly entertaining and definitely mind boggling. Two members of the audience were professional magicians, one of which was internationally famous, and both of them were highly impressed with the show. I purchased his MindReading book offered for sale at the event to learn more about what he is doing though still haven't had time to go through it thoroughly. It was a great example of where we can take and combine many of the ideas and techniques taught in NLP, energy manipulation, etc. and applying them in new and unique ways. It begs the question, what is possible that I hadn't thought of?.... What new ways can I use and combine the techniques I already know? Are there levels of rapport so deep that one can actually read minds with great clarity as Rex demonstrated, and if so, how could I utilize that skill in business and personal interactions for fun and profit? I know for me, there is a whole new world of possibilities available :) If any of you get a chance, Rex's show is definitely worth checking out and bringing your friends and family to. It was really interesting to hear my brother (who happens to be an elder in a Mormon church) talking about metaphysical principals that he thought Rex was using during the show.... Of course my nieces and nephew were raving about the show for days talking about the "real" psychic they had seen (lol). All
the best, P.S. As we were leaving the show and Rex was thanking everyone for attending, he asked my niece if she had a pet... First asking if it was a dog, she said no, he asked was it a cat, she said no and that it was a gerbil, Rex replied, "why would anyone name their gerbil "Powder"?" Of course, "Powder" was the name of the gerbil.... Tom Karen Lacosse In addition to the fun and exciting entertainment, we left feeling uplifted by Rex's important message, "if you believe it, you can make it happen!" I highly recommend this show for adults and children over the age of eight. It's a great way to spend an Autumn or Winter evening in Milwaukee! Thank you, Rex...you're terrific!
Nothing surpasses Rex's mind reading. Audiences all ages love his comedic presentations
Rex delights students at Bryant University in Rhode Island © Copyright Rex Sikes 2000 -2008 all rights reserved in all media